What would a Millennial Office Look Like?

Wanna know what an all Millennial office would look like? Check out this video made by a company called Connected Ventures. Very successful online company that has made its Millennial owners VERY rich! I'm sure for many of you, this kind of environment would scare you. This is during a normal work day. No one in the company is over 31 years old. Most average around 25. It's very entertaining!! (There is some language just so you are aware!)


And yes, they use this to recruit for their company!


Millennials at their Greatest-Part 1

Thursday evening I had the pleasure of listening to a highly successful Millennial speak to one of my classes. He had the most amazing story. I am hoping to interview him and incorporate some of what he says into the presentation I do with Liz Bushnell about how generations can get along in the workplace. Here is some of what Zach said that I think so completely relevant to generational differences.

Zach started a website with his friends while he was in college. Initially the goal was to have enough money to get through school. That turned in to a full fledged business. They grew from 4 partners to 60 employees in 2006. What I thought was interesting was everyone in the company was 25 and under EXCEPT for one person who is 31 because they needed an accountant. I really thought that was interesting. They were working in an almost all Millennial company. It looked exactly like what you would expect from a Millennial company. Ping Pong table, no official work titles, music videos and drinking. And yet, here was a company that is so successful, they were able to sell half of the company for $40 million dollars. Did you catch that? A Millennial company that would make every other generation cringe made it's owners (all 25 and under) Millionaires!!

I think the key point that gets lost when Millennials enter the work force with so many ideas is that, they actually have some pretty great ideas. So for those of you in other generations, don't just dismiss the ideas as naive, but accept that sometimes they may actually have something!

Sound Familiar?

Ok, so for all you Baby Boomers and Gen Xer's out there...tell me who this sounds like;

•Looking for meaningful work

•Seeking challenge

•Chance to prove themselves and show they can perform well

•Enjoys contact with people

•Desire to be in a position of responsibility

•Resents being looked at as though they have no experience

•Tends to be more job mobile

•Less respectful of authority

Sound like a familiar generation? Did you say Millennials? Something tells me you did. Would you be surprised to know that these characteristics were taken from the Training and Development Journal, November 1970? Yes that's right 1970!!

Now you may be asking yourself, what's the point of this? The point is (are you ready for this cause it's going to blow your mind); every new generation that enters the workplace is viewed as different from the previous generations. They are always looked at as lazier, wanting more while doing less, less respectful of authority, wanting responsibility and wanting to be respected for their knowledge. Millennials are viewed no differently than Baby Boomers were in 1970 when this was written. Gen Xer's, we were viewed as the downfall of America when we started working. So what is the reality here? Are new generations different from previous generations? The answer is yes, they are. They come in having grown up in different times, with different values and problems to deal with. The key is though, that they aren't really viewed any differently. It's something different and that scares us in the workplace. We get so caught up in the "this is the way it's always been done and you'll do it that way too" mentality that we forget that we were just like Millennials. We all entered the workforce wanting to make a difference. Wanting our ideas heard. Wanting respect. Knowing that we had something to offer if someone would just listen to us. But something happened along the way. We got caught up in the same mentality we hated when we started. We feel it's our right to do the same thing to the next generation because it was done to us and if we had to live with it, so should they! WRONG! If we are going to be competitive in the new global marketplace (whether you view your organization as a global company or not, it is thanks to the internet), we must use the talents and ideas that Millennials bring with them. The truth is, with the Baby Boomers set to retire in mass numbers over the next few years, we need them. And Xer's we are going to need to take a step back and remember what it was like to enter the work force with all these ideas. Don't squelch them. Encourage them and use what they have to better your companies.

For Millennials, you're going to need to realize that you DON"T know everything and you won't be president of the company. But that shouldn't stop you from trying to make a huge impact on your organizations and the world!

Great Books about Millennials

I just checked out a book that I had heard a lot about. It is definitely living up to my expectations. The name of the book is Millennials Rising, The Next Generation by Neil Howe and William Strauss. If you are looking for good insight into this generation, it is an excellent resource. What I really like about it is the positive way it looks at Millennials. We are always so quick to discuss the negative elements about this generation and it turns out based on research that there are many misconceptions about them.

For you Millennials out there, I found a good book (or at least it seems good so far). It is called My Reality Check Bounced, by Jason Ryan Dorsey. Jason is a Millennial who wrote the book to address many of the questions and concerns he sees from young people disillusioned by work and their lives. He was the winner of the Austin Under 40 Entrepreneur of the Year Award and speaks regularly to young adults to help them understand the "real" work world. I recommend reading this if you are struggling with your place in work, life and the world around you. He seems to have great insight and fun to read writing style.

Conversations with a Millennial

Last week I had the opportunity to have a short conversation with a young lady who was most definitely a Millennial. She works for a government agency that handles employee policies and procedures. She received her master’s degree prior to entering the workforce and seemed to describe her first few weeks on the job the same way other Millennials have. I asked her if the job was what she expected it to be. She said that she really thought that people would listen to her ideas more. In fact she was a little disheartened by comments like “that’s the way we’ve always done it” and “you still have a lot to learn”. Oh my, I wonder how many employees have said that to a young person just entering the organization. She said she learned that she did still have a lot to learn and she understands that the process better now, but still feels as though she has a lot to offer and wishes that her ideas were given some merit.

I think this is a very familiar scene in many companies. “It’s always been done that way” seems to be the typical response to new ideas. But I wonder why there is such a resistance to listening to new ideas and implementing some change in an organization. I’m not sure the always been done that way excuse is going to be adequate as we move into a more global marketplace. That attitude may just keep us from being competitive.

Great Video

Last year PBS ran a documentary about Millennials in the workplace. I found a short clip on YouTube that I’m posting here but I recommend that you view the entire video. It’s great information about this generation and what their expectations are when they enter the workforce. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=y_jB1Q0K5BI

To learn more about this documentary, visit

Generational Differences at Work

I am very often asked by employers to explain the Millennial generation to them. If you've done any sort of research on the subject, I'm sure you've seen the large volumes of information on this subject that are coming out regularly. It seems a lot of people are asking the same questions...What does this generation really want? More importantly, what are they willing to do to get it? I think the answer wil surprise you!

I have the opportunity to regularly interact with students (Millennials) because of my job. I find them to be a highly engaging and enthusiastic group. In fact, I love working with them. Since I deal mostly with helping students find internships, I get a unique perpective as I help students shape their professional persona.

So here are the surprises I mentioned earlier...Millennials want what every other generation wants. They want a job that they can feel has an impact on something bigger than themselves, they want to make a fair wage (many of you will say that they expect to much), they want to be respected and heard in the workplace, and they want a balance between work and life that allows them to go to work and then come home and have a totally separate life. Now here's what you've all been waiting for...we're just like them! There isn't a single generation who has not wanted these things. The only real difference between Millennials and other generations, they're willing to ask for it and expect it. I think we all entered the workforce with these ideas. The problem is we were shot down as soon as we entered. We quickly assimilated into the mentality that you must work and you will hate it but you have to do it any way because everyone else has done it that way. Why do we think that way? Really this is the whole purpose of this blog, to help us understand each other and learn how to create a workplace that allows everyone to have a voice and be understood. I'm not saying that Millennials don't need to adjust their thinking a little but I keep asking myself, are they really that wrong?

We'll explore these issues and questions throughout this blog. I will use a lot of my experience with Millennials to help you understand why they think the way they do. Your feedback will always be welcome. By no means do I have all the answers about how to have a harmonious workplace where every generation respects each other. What I will do is present you with ideas and "what if's" to see if we can bridge the gap between the four generations that now make up the workforce.