Conversations between Generations

I always find it interesting when different generations sit down to understand each other. I was involved in a training a few weeks ago that asked 4 different generations to answer questions about their generation. It was so interesting to see the differences that we all have but also to see the similarities.

What I found most interesting were the comments that other generations made to Millennials and how Millennials responded. We are always so quick to judge their actions and intentions rather than listening to them. What I learned from the experience is that EVERY generation views the other generations as flawed in someway. Are they flawed? Maybe, but what is more likely is that we don't know how to accept the differences. We become what we saw in our parents. Inflexible and lacking the desire to change. We have done what previous generations did to us...This is how it's been and this is how you'll do it. Maybe things should change. It's fascinating how every generation wants to change the world and to some extent they do. But many times what happens is that the world changes them. Take Gen Xer's for example. They were going to destroy the world as we know it. Lazy, slackers, good for nothing with bad attitudes. Yet here we are and we're the managers. The ones who are responsible and we're taking care of our families. Not exactly the untimely demise of the world that was expected of us.

Boomers, do you remember when your parents thought you dressed provocatively, listened to loud and disrespectful music and were too immature to run the country? It makes me wonder what the Millennials will say to the generation after them. The point is, each generation who enters the workforce is viewed as different and that difference is not viewed in a positive light. So maybe we should take a step back and realize that not every other generation is going to destroy the world we have worked so hard to build. The truth is, we have all built this world and while we should protect it, we should also recognize that change is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it's what keeps us moving and heading toward the future.

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